Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mamie Introduces Linda Hales, Author of Children's Books

Welcome to Mamie’s World!

Reflections of Mamie
A Story of Survival

Although my book is a story of abuse which brings sadness to mind, today I would like to introduce to you a friend and talented editor as well as children’s author, Linda Hales.

Her compassion and love of children is why I have invited her here today. Abuse is a sad haunting issue that is wide spread almost, it seems in epidemic proportions and much of which is never brought to light. We owe our children that special bond of parenthood reading to them, teaching them how to share and love one another which are all critical parts of their well being.

I wanted to refer you to a story teller that will entertain your children while  teaching them the important lessons in life and with Ms. Hales children’s books, you will find that magical connection parents need to find with their families.

My book will debut on June 15th in a Facebook Launch so at the end of this post, please check out the invitation to join us for fun, prizes and a chance to interact with eleven (11) authors with many genres. Below you will also find a brief synopsis of my new book and if you remember to mention you read about it here, I will be happy to extend a special offer on both my paperback and hard cover issues. 

Linda Hales will also be at this launch to introduce her newest children’s book titled: 
Sunshine and her Big Blarney Smile 
staged in Ireland and illustrated on each page.

Reflections of Mamie -A Story of Survival
Author, Linda Hales

Writing for Children
I love the purity and innocence of little children and especially their natural, inner wisdom.  I say that they are pure because they are as yet untainted by life and know exactly what they are about and often, what you are about too.  Children are our best and truest friends and will often offer up solutions to life’s problems that may seem naïve on the surface, but once we shed the layers of armour and deception, we are able to see that they were right all along.  They simply see more clearly than adults.  
I recall when Tammy, my daughter, was no more than three, she would approach me when I was clearly upset about something.  She would ask, “What’s wrong Mommy?”  Thinking that my problems were too complex to unload onto a three year old, she would climb up onto my knee and tell me in no uncertain terms, “I will help you fix it Mommy!”  Then she would proceed to give me her answer.  Though I had not explained my problem to her, she invariably gave me the right answer as though she had heard my inner voice.  I learned then that children are very spiritually intuitive and far more in touch with reality and true feelings than those who have been transformed by life into highly guarded adults.  
I am one who believes in the invisible friend theory, much as Rosemary has written about in her book, Reflections of Mamie!  I was thinking about this and a little Sunshine story popped into my mind.  I closed my eyes and out flowed this little tale.  I may put it into storybook format someday but for now, I simply want to share it with you.
Sunshine’s Big Blarney Castle! 
Well hi there!   Surely you know by now that my name is Sunshine and I live in a charming old castle in the Village of Blarney in the heart of Ireland.  
I’m seven years old and I tell my tales to help other little kids learn how important it is to help others and to try, try and try again until they succeed!   My gramma told me to never give up until I see a big happy smile on every sad face.  That is my mission in life!  Maybe I’ll be a nurse, or a teacher or maybe even a writer when I grow up. Then again, I might just decide to stay as I am…a little girl who likes to make sad people smile!
Now I’ll tell you what it is like to live in my magical fairytale castle!  Mine has many rooms and lots of hiding places so I go exploring to find new ones every day.  Oh, I could write a whole book about the secret hiding places I have found but for now, I’ll tell you about the biggest surprise of all!  

One day, as I was wandering about the upstairs hallways and peeking into every room, I was caught by surprise when I heard the giggles of little children.  Just then a tiny voice called out, “Sunshine!  Will you come in and play? It’s rather dark in here and you could light up our room with your big bright smile!”   When I entered the room, I could see that I was in a little girl’s chambers and there were many stuffed animals and dollies on the bed.  I looked around and could not see where the giggles came from but the sounds seemed to come from behind the chamber walls.  I looked for hidden passages and knocked on walls to see if one would open up for me but it did not!  All at once, I heard a sweet little voice coming from the bed, “Sunshine, please come up here and play with us!”  I could not resist so I jumped up on that big old bed and laid among them and promptly fell asleep.  

My little friends were not in the wall after all but were waiting for someone to come and play with them. I go back there every day to play with them and believe it or not, I can even make them smile!

© Linda Hales 2013

Thank you Linda Hales for sharing your books with us.

 Reflections of Mamie -A Story of Survival, Synopsis
Reflections of Mamie-A Story of Survival  is a sad and joyous personal account of growing up under the worst kind of adversity.  It is a story of survival during times of extreme suffering and deprivation that will leave you feeling Mamie’s anguish. 

A must read for  anyone with a difficult childhood or anyone wanting to understand the cycles of abuse!
...S. Allan Kane, MD

The story begins in the early 1950's suburbs of Houston, Texas.  Mamie is a  young child of four who was unwanted, afraid, abused and with nowhere to turn, learned that she had to stand alone.  Her only friends were her older brother, an abused child himself, and her nanny, who begged their mother to stop beating them.  The father, though he loved his children,  remained passive to the end.  A victim himself, the only protection he offered was a warning to stay out of their mother's reach.  

This story shares Mamie's heroic battle to keep her dreams alive and hold on to her spirit. How she finds her way out of fifty-four years of abuse is yours to discover in her fascinating memoirs. 

Twitter: @childabusestory and @AdkinsMamie

This is a Facebook party so sit back in your easy chairs, enter the event, join and come talk with us all while entering to win one of 14 prizes being given away!

Thank You for Your Interest,


From sad times to 
Happy Memories!

This book is available from my web site or through Amazon in paperback, hard cover and ebook versions.

Also available direct from Chase Publishing an e-Book version:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hello, my name is Mamie, and this is my story!

Reflections of Mamie is a story of survival. Abuse is such a sad and lonely part of so many lives and we must try to stop this cycle.

My new book will launch the fist week of June and details my life's journey that followed me for decades of feeling alone and unwanted.



The story begins in the early 1950's suburbs of Houston, Texas.  Mamie is a  young child of four who was unwanted, afraid, abused and with nowhere to turn, learned that she had to stand alone.  Her only friends were her older brother, an abused child himself, and her nanny, who begged their mother to stop beating them.  The father, though he loved his children,  remained passive to the end.  A victim himself, the only protection he offered was a warning to stay out of their mother's reach.  

This story shares Mamie's heroic battle to keep her dreams alive and hold on to her spirit. How she finds her way out of fifty-four years of abuse is yours to discover in her fascinating memoirs. 


Reflections of Mamie-A Story of Survival  is a sad and joyous personal account of growing up under the worst kind of adversity.  It is a story of survival during times of extreme suffering and deprivation that will leave you feeling Mamie’s anguish. 

A must read for  anyone with a difficult childhood or anyone wanting to understand the cycles of abuse!
...S. Allan Kane, MD

“Reflections of Mamie: A Story of Survival“ is an excellent five star memoir that is written in a highly engaging narrative form and I feel so fortunate that I had a chance to read it. It is a brave account of Mamie’s experience of living through horrendous physical and emotional abuse as a child and young adult in the 50s and 60s. It is a story written to open the door of communication and provide an invitation, even a calling, to other victims of abuse to also share their story. Mamie writes about the difficulties she experiences in dredging up these frightening memories of abuse, but she also shares the need and relief she feels sharing her story rather than leaving the impact of the abuse buried deep within the interior of her psyche to haunt her and cause her further harmful stress.

One gets the idea from reading her story that if she can move out of abuse toward creating a positive environment with loving relationships in her adult life, that others can do the same. I love the way she addresses the reader throughout her sharing and brings you into her close confidence. It is this warm closeness with her readers in which she instills confidence and empowerment in anyone who has experienced abuse to be strong and work toward a better life through sharing with others whom they can trust.

I highly recommend this memoir for anyone who has experienced abuse as well as to anyone who needs to understand what people abused as children go through. This book says what many others will not say, reveals the abuse experience as it is lived, and leaves you with the clear understanding that you need in order to be sensitive and knowledgeable on this issue with anyone you might know who has been abused. I plan to recommend it in my coaching as an empowering example of a person who has found her strength in life despite the many hardships she endured and who understands the power of sharing one’s life feelings with others who care that can lead to a transformation toward happiness.

Martha Love, author of “What’s Behind Your Belly Button? A Psychological Perspective of the Intelligence of Human Nature and Gut Instinct”

Thank you for your interest. I hope you will come again as we grow closer to our publishing date.
For your viewing, here is my first video for Reflections of Mamie.
